Hi there! This is Keling's website.

Introduction Link to heading

I am Keling from the West of China, born in Szechwan and lived in Amoy for years. I am a research master student specialized in epidemiology at Erasmus MC, with a bachelor’s background in nursing sciences and trained as a nurse practitioner.

Training and skills Link to heading

In 2023, I received my bachelor’s degree in nursing science from Xiamen University, and since then I have been a registered nurse in China. I was also trained in molecular medicine lab skills and organic synthesis in chemistry during my bachelor’s studies. During the preparation of my bachelor’s thesis on diabetes mellitus and the internship as a student research assistant, I found epidemiological research quite interesting. After that, I took some online courses about biostatistics and data science, and I decided to go for a master’s program in epidemiology to further develop my research interests and learn research skills in epidemiology and biostatistics. As a member of several LGBTQIA+-friendly online communities, I have also conducted a small qualitative study about transgender health, and this helped me gain much experience on this interdisciplinary topic.

Research interests Link to heading

I have broad research interests across several research topics. I mainly focus on causal inference methods, particularly g-methods, transportability, bias analysis techniques, and causal effect heterogeneity estimation with various data sources. I am also interested in epidemiological methods and causal inference teaching/education. For applied causal inference and epidemiology, I am mainly interested in the field of diabetes, endocrinology, and transgender healthcare. I am also happy to conduct interdisciplinary projects that brings causal inference methods, epidemiology, and transgender health together. Currently, I am working on general causal inference topics and doing research about causal language use under supervision.

Other Link to heading

I am a dog person and love Beagles a lot. I have many random Beagle photos on my phone and I have many stickers for Beagles.